[Action required] Ingress NGINX ingress name change

Hello !


If you are using HELM charts and targeting nginx as IngressClassName, you need to update it to be nginx-qovery.


Nginx ingress name deployed by Qovery will be nginx-qovery in order not to clash with any other nginx installation.

To do so, we have a nginx-qovery ingress class created on the cluster.

This ingress class will be used / targeted by ingresses deployed by qovery (for apps, containers etc) exposed outside of the cluster.


  • We will be releasing the new version on Thursday 09/12/2024
  • NON production clusters will be updated to reflect this change on Thursday 09/12/2024
  • Production clusters will be updated to reflect this change on Monday 09/16/2024


This change will be transparent for you unless you have:

  • another nginx installation on the cluster
  • helm charts targeting qovery nginx

You fall into one of those cases, make sure your apps / containers / helm charts target the proper nginx (ingress class nginx-qovery if you want to target the one managed by Qovery) and redeploy your service.

Please let me know if you have any question.


Do we need to update our Helm charts to use ingressClassName instead of the annotation? Here is an example of our current Helm chart:

enabled: true
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx-qovery

Hey @Kyle_Flavin !

Indeed, you need to update it once we will have new cert-manager rolled-out (tomorrow on NON production clusters and next week for production one).
But not for this change but rather for this one.

Annotations support will be deprecated in 1.29 and ingressClass should be used instead.

Let me know if clear enough.


Got it, thank you @bchastanier