Hi Qovery, in the process of trying to troubleshoot some intermittent cluster issues, we’ve noticed that there seems to be an issue with our vertical pod autoscaler (VPA) in our production cluster: https://console.qovery.com/organization/828d9c2c-fd72-4b4e-ab58-71de40ecfdd2/cluster/91913fb3-27bf-4ec9-9afa-b1e04bcdafe7/
1. vertical-pod-autoscaler-vpa -webhook
FailedToUpdateEndpoint Failed to update endpoint kube-system/vertical-pod-aut oscaler-vpa-webhook: Operation cannot be fulfilled on endpoints "vertical-pod-autoscaler-vpa- webhook": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again
2. vertical-pod-autoscaler-vpa -admission-controller-55f7 6b5b472j29
Unhealthy Readiness probe failed: Get "http://xx.x.xx.167:8944/heal th-check": dial tcp xx.x.xx.167:8944: connect: connection refused
AFAIK, our app has only and always been configured for port 3000 (external port 443). Not familiar with the use of port 8944
Everything that we’re currently running is auto-generated by Qovery. Is there any guidance we can follow in terms of fixing this issue with our VPA? It seems like this is managed by a Helm chart. Is there a way to reapply our VPA chart? maybe the latest version?