Tips for Optimizing Deployment Times on Qovery

Hi everyone,

I’m relatively new to Qovery and have been enjoying the platform so far. However, I’ve noticed that my deployment times are a bit longer than I’d like. I’m sure there are some tricks or best practices that can help speed things up, and I’d love to hear your suggestions!

Here’s a bit of context about my setup:

  • I’m using a multi-service application with Node.js for the backend and React for the frontend.
  • My database is PostgreSQL.
  • Deployments happen quite frequently as I’m actively developing and testing new features.

What have you found to be the most effective ways to reduce deployment times on Qovery? I have been through these resources/article 10 Tips To Reduce Your Deployment Time with Qovery ServiceNow Tutorial and they are quite informative but I wanted to learn more from community members.

Any tips on caching strategies, optimizing Docker images, or other tweaks that could make a difference?

Thanks in advance for your help!


Hi @anayazaman , welcome and glad you enjoy Qovery :slight_smile:

Could you share the Qovery web console link of your app? Then, we can take a look at what optimizations you could do.

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