We are thinking about adding some time based scaling policies that during certain times of the week the minimum instances of an app running is changed.
How can we achieve that? I didn’t see an endpoint in your API adjusting application ressources.
If I adjust application ressources via UI it always requires a redeplyoment - why that? We aren’t changing anything to the code just some corner stones of the application. If everytime we would do time based scaling via API triggers/requires a redeployment of that process, this might interfere with actual deployments from CI/CD.
We have decided to make the redeployment and application configuration changes explicit by running a redeployment. It’s probably in the future we’ll make it more fluent. But behind the scene, it will be similar since Qovery is a remote system. You can check my live conference here explaining how Qovery works under the hood.
It will not interfere with your CI/CD if you do not change the commit_id while redeploying. (BTW you can also use the /application/:appId/restart API endpoint).
However, if you use the Qovery Terraform Provider it might interfere if you don’t centralize your TF state.