Ocassional but persistent nginx 403 forbidden

Relevant information to this question:

Since about 15:23 CET we have reports of users not being able to reach our nextjs server hosted using qovery, they are seeing nginx 403 forbidden. Many users can still reach out to our website and use it without any issues. For the users seeing the 403, using a different browser or trying it again later doesn’t resolve it.

Hey @Joey,

We found an issue, there is another thread opened earlier, let’s follow there if you don’t mind => Cluster down with "403 Forbidden" error - #6 by bchastanier


OK FYI we have


Hello @Joey ,

The problem has been solved.

You can find a first status here: 403 received Nginx customer side - Incident details - Qovery - Status

We will provide more information on this incident as soon as we are done collecting all the details.
